Saturday, October 10, 2009

Weekend Gaming Session 10/9

10/9 At a Glance

Currently Playing:
Fallout 3 (working on Devil and True Mortal)

Recently Completed:
Heavenly Sword (story playthrough), Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

On Hold:
Halo Wars, Dead Rising

One agonizing week of waiting for the new TV down, one to go. Of course, it's entirely possible that there could be up to two more weekends before I can really sit down and enjoy the new set, but, once it's here, its time for MEGA HD REPLAY MADNESS!!!!!! Um, yeah. More on that later. I'm saving Halo Wars and Dead Rising for when the new set gets here, but before that, I'm also saving my replay of Broken Steel for the new set, and with that, my last 4 levels before 30, and Devil and True Mortal will put me over the 15,000 mark. Hooray.


Finished Crisis Core this week and promptly sent it back. To be honest, I didn't expect the game to have as much side content as it did, however, in this case, the focus was surely on quantity over quality, and I figured I could sleep at night without experiencing ALL of it. Final verdict: A solid story for fans of the series, but a monotonous and contrived battle system kills any potential for long term enjoyment.

My Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Stats

  • Platform: PSP
  • Playthroughs: 1
  • Trophies: N/A
  • I compare it to: Kingdom Hearts without jumping, strategy, or Disney.
  • Play it again?: Nope.

To get me through this last weekend of SD gaming, and to try to manipulate GameFly into sending me Uncharted 2 on launch day, I ordered Heavenly Sword, just to try it out. Rarely has a game left with such mixed feelings. (well, actually, Crisis Core did too) To be brutally honest, Heavenly Sword's gameplay is, for the most part, derivative at best, and utterly frustrating at worst. A few technically heavy boss battles begin to shine, but the inconsistent difficulty mars even those. And let's not get into the motion control segments.

However, you NEED to play this game for a reason I don't often recommend (outside of MGS), for the cutscenes. The motion capture for this game is downright AMAZING, as is the story it acts out. It should come as no surprise that these aspects of the game were supervised by mocap guru Andy Serkis, who after his excellent work on Lord of the Rings and King Kong, got into the field of gaming, and has really left his mark with Heavenly Sword (and, it's a good bet he'll do the same with Enslaved). In my opinion, HS has, arguably, the most convincing and realistic voice and mocap acting of any game. Serkis himself plays antagonist Bohan, and brings to life one of the most illustrated, despicable (and hilarious, and creepy), and fresh villains yet seen in the gaming world. HS is one of few games that have been able to evoke an emotional reaction from me by the strength of the scene alone. During a confrontation between Kai and Flying Fox, the few short flashes of the backstory along with the emotions in the scene conveyed something not even the last few survival horror games I've played made me feel, a moment of real terror.
Heavenly Sword was great for story and cinematics, just not for gameplay. I hope that for Enslaved, Ninja Theory will be able to bring the latter up to par with the former.

My Heavenly Sword Stats

  • Platform: PlayStation 3
  • Playthroughs: 1
  • Trophies: N/A
  • I compare it to: Devil May Cry, moreso than God of War (besides, I compare EVERY game to GoW)
  • Play it again?: Only for the cutscenes.

When the new TV arrives, it will be time for.....MEGA HD RE...(right, stop that!!!), um, time for me to replay all of my current gen games in HD, hooray! I'm just having a tough time deciding which should be first, so I'll put it to you for your opinions. The top contenders are:

Metal Gear Solid 4
CoD4 (campaign)
Batman: AA
Mass Effect

So, that's it for this weekend. I'm hoping to have some impressions of Uncharted 2 for you next Sunday, as well as a new TV to game on! Until then!


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Delayed Gratification, Oh, and Weekend Gaming Session 10/3

10/3 At a Glance

Currently Playing:
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (Story Playthrough)
Fallout 3 (working on Devil and True Mortal)

Recently Completed:
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Completed Game #8!)

A shorter gaming session this week, but there's a very good reason. I spent most of my gaming time on Friday and Saturday shopping for the new TV! And this is the deal I found, which, if it pans out, I'll highly recommend: W. Great set at a great price, plus a free sound system! Awesome! Granted, I can't just take it home and set it up right now like I wanted, but I guess I'll actually act like an adult and delay my gratification. (I've delayed it more than 2 years, whats another 2 weeks?) So, not a lot of gaming this week, but I did finish Wolverine, so let's look at that:

My X-Men Origins: Wolverine Stats

  • Platform: Xbox 360
  • Playthroughs: 2+
  • Gamerscore: 1000/1000
  • I compare it to: God of War
  • Play it again?: Nah.
Since I finished that on Thursday, let's take a look at the weekend gaming I've been doing:

Fallout 3: Ah, more glorious wanderings, destroyed landscapes, and exploding meatbags. I have to admit, I love coming back to Fallout whenever I've been playing other stuff for a while. Right now, all I need to complete the achievements for the game is the Level 30 achievements for evil and neutral (though I'm going to cheat and use Karmic Rebalance at 30 before I save; I don't want to do this grind again anytime soon). And, the Devil acheivement will put me at exactly 15000 gamerscore! (appropriate, I think). However, I'm saving this moment (and playing through Broken Steel in all of it's awesomeness) for when the new TV gets here, which will probably be one or two Weekend Gaming Sessions from now.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII: FF7 was the first PlayStation game I got after my ex-wife's mother got us a PSX for a wedding present (which made me wonder if she wanted us to fail.....hmmmm:P), and I've got a soft spot in my heart for the story. It's not the best Final Fantasy story (6 takes that, IMO), Cloud is not the best protagonist (though he's less annoying than Zidane, Tidus, and Vaan; on that note, why can't a Kain, Auron, or Basch be in the spotlight for once?) and Sephiroth isn't the best villain (he tried to destroy the world and couldn't, but Kefka DID), but there's just some gestalt phenomenon that makes VII so popular. That said, I'm really enjoying the extended backstory that CC provides. The combat, however, is not making me happy. The commands are cycled with the shoulder buttons during real-time battles, and that works, more or less. What doesn't work for me is basing leveling up, limit breaks, and summons on the ridiculous DMW system, which is essentially a slot machine which leaves all of these important tactical options to chance, albeit with greater or lower odds. I just find that frustrating, and it will be the story that gets me to the end of this game, and I certainly won't be playing to 100%. Thank god there's no trophies.

Anyway, let's hope for fast and efficient shipping, because when the new set gets here, you're all invited to come hang out! I know that pretty much just means you Nat, but still, offers open. :P Game On!
