Sunday, September 27, 2009

Weekend Gaming Session 9/26 Part 2, and Platinum #3!

9/26 At A Glance Part 2

Currently Playing:
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (GF), working on Samurai, prep for Walking Death (Hard playthrough)

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 (GF), - On Hold
Fallout 3 - On Hold

Recently Completed -
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
(Platinum #3!)

That's right, Platinum #3 unlocked tonight! It was a nice surprise to have that unlock after completing my last combat Trophy (which, by the way, was not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. Just charge up the Lightning Shield, find a tight cluster of stormtroopers, walk into it and watch them fall over dead, repeat!), and not have to wait for the Ultimate Sith Edition exclusive DLC to get it. I've been playing this game since I picked it up at the midnight launch a year ago, and I've played the living crap out of it. Adding trophies was a huge incentive to get me playing it again.

My Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Stats

  • Platform: PlayStation 3
  • Playthroughs: 5+
  • Trophies: 55/48 (7 from DLC, 65 possible with all DLC)
  • I compare it to: Kratos with a lightsaber
  • Play it again?: Most Likely

Got Fully Loaded on Wolverine as well, however, stopped working on Samurai for the night, simply because I got tired of killing the same enemy class (last I need for the achievement) and playing the same level over and over. I just have a really hard time sitting in one place and farming anything, call it a hang-up left over from my WoW days. However, full completion on this one is not far off, and 15000 Gamerscore isn't far behind that!

On the subject of 100% completion in games, let me just say this: I don't try to max out every game I play. However, if I find a game fun in and of itself, that goes a long way toward me wanting to keep playing it to completion. There are a few factors that contribute to this, and I'll list them below:

1. Is it fun? If I find the simple act of picking up the controller and playing, at any point in the game, enjoyable, then chances are I'll go for every trophy/achievement.

2. Is there enough content? If a game is long enough, it's a lot more feasible for me to get to level 30 (Fallout) or 60 (Mass Effect) than it would be if the game is only a few hours long. This is directly related to:

3. Is the story compelling? Mass Effect is a perfect example of this, and so is MGS 4 (Dammit Konami, get that trophy patch out!).

4. Are they fun and/or challenging to get? Let me clarify. Challenging does not equal "requires 100 hours of grinding." Mile High Club (CoD4): challenging. The Flags (Assassin's Creed) monotonous, (much like the 12 hour fight against that dragon in FF12, now that I come to think of it). Essentially, if it starts making me hate life, there's no point in getting it. I really like to feel proud of myself for finally getting a really tough one, not feeling empty because I just wasted a week farming.

5. Am I close anyway? If I get over 3/4 of the possibles t's/a's on my first playthrough, I'll sometimes stick it out to get a completion. Sometimes.

6. Are a chunk of the t's/a's for multiplayer? This is usually the kiss of death for game completion as far as I'm concerned. I don't like going online to try to get achievements. (Granted, I'm not a huge MP gamer at all, but I'll go into that another time) I tried with Halo 3, I really did, but if there's an especially challenging achievement I'm trying to get, I like to be able to load up that part of the game at will and keep trying for it. In multiplayer, the opportunity to get these tough ones (Two For One is a great example) is oftentimes very few and far between, and I don't like putting in 10 hours of matches just for the one or two chances I might get. On that note, I also don't like the 1,000-10,000 kills type. More farming.
-Note: Infinity Ward made a fantastic decision with CoD4 by making all of the achievements single player only, and having separate challenges in multiplayer. I really hope MW2 stays this way.

So, that said, here are the games that I've fully completed to date:

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Assassin's Creed
Dead Space
Mass Effect
Oblivion (though completion in this case ONLY refers to achievements)
Shadow Complex

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Bedevilingly Close:
Fallout 3 (just need level 30 for Evil and Neutral, another time through DLC's will do it)
Braid (Speed Run, I'll have to play through the whole game again to train for this brutalizer)
GTA 4 (the toughest one for me to get has been the turkey in bowling. WTF!)

Anyway, it's Sunday morning, and that means that that's the end of Weekend Gaming Session #1! Check back through the week for articles about gaming issues, random thoughts, and the occasional plug!


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